Vegeta / Podravka Australia. Vegeta: Multi Channel Campaign

Head of Digital: Stephen Williams, Digital Producer: Tatiana Pentes.
An engaging multi-channel digital campaign to promote the range of Vegeta powder stock products to the Australian market.

In 2015 Vegeta Australia engaged with Adcorp to create an engaging multi-channel digital campaign to promote the range of Vegeta powder stock products to the Australian market. 

Adcorp's approach was to use a range of digital channels, telling unique stories in each one. Adcorp developed a landing page which was the portal for a multi-channel media campaign incorporating digital network banners (include polite pre-roll videos to showcase recipe videos), video recipe production with celebrity endorsement, two competitions (one attached to the display network advertising and one social based competition) and social media strategy & execution.

The campaign won SILVER  |  VEGETA: INTEGRATED CAMPAIGN - FOOD & BEVERAGE at the W3 Awards 2015.

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